Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Top Mobile:Black Diamond mobile phone for $300,000!

The Sony Ericsson Black Diamond was just a concept back in March, when pictures of Jaren Goh's concept phone began circulating on the web. Now, though, comes news that this stunning looking mobile phone will actually be made...well, five of them anyway!
Yes, in an effort to release the ultimate exclusive phone, just five Black Diamond mobile phones will be made, each encrusted with diamonds, and sold for $300,000 a piece!
Oh, and despite Jaren Goh originally designing the concept for Sony Ericsson, it's
VIPN that will be making them. Pity, as it would have enabled Sony Ercsson to have a competitor for Nokia's appallingly over-priced and under-featured Vertu range of phones.

TheBlack Diamond mobile phone will come with the following features:
802.11g WiFi
2.0" 256k TFT screen
SIP (for VOIP)
Touch sensitive keypad
4MP camera
400Mhz Intel Xscale CPU Not bad - not worth $300,000, perhaps, but then the diamonds, titanium and polycarbonate case might account for some of the horrific price tag. If you want the ultimate in exclusive phones, then best be quick, as with only five being sold, there's bound to be a rush for the Black Diamond, even at that price!

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